A stunning Bollywood-inspired Lehenga Choli in a lovelyaqua blue color. The material is very comfortable to wear and has a satin lining underneath which adds to the comfort. The lehenga and choli feature original mirror-work that adds to the splendor. Glow and enjoy the brilliance of this lehenga choli!
Suitable for any festive occasions, weddings, parties, celebrations, and get-togethers. Comes with a lovely dupatta pictured in the images.
Mythri Collections is your Indian Clothing store, where you can find trendy, high-quality, and unique fashionable and designer netted lehenga cholis that are inspired by Bollywood style and fashion.
Gorgeous Aqua Blue Netted Lehenga Choli with real Mirror work
- Garment Size: M (~38in. measured at the bust)
- Garment measurements: Can fit up to size 42.
*The fabric colors you see on our website may vary slightly depending on the color variations of each photograph, lighting, specific monitor, and settings.
Dry Clean Only